4,646 members and growing, are your details correct please LOGIN and update NOW
HCSA EIS EVENTs 2025 Dates to be announced soon
Charity for HCSA for 2025 to be announced at AGM 13th November 1730 Telford
HCSA AGM LIVE check your inbox Junk and Spam please take a few minutes to vote!
HCSA Annual Conference 13 & 14 November 2024 Telford International Centre ON SALE NOW BOOK EARLY final spaces don't delay
Look out for major HCSA announcement coming November 2024 at conference
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By registering to be a member we will use these details to provide newsletters, AGM, updates and other correspondence in the delivery of HCSA business for its members including responding to enquiries. You may also provide data to us when registering for an event, seminar, or conference or when corresponding with us by phone, email, letter, or social media. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. You should keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. Click for privacy statement.