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HCSA LONDON & SOUTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in May 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
HCSA MIDLANDS REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in June 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
2024 HCSA NORTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in July 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
Women's Network Conference Holiday Inn Regents Park 4th September 2024, Opening July 2024
HCSA Annual Conference 13 & 14 November 2024 Telford International Centre ON SALE NOW BOOK EARLY to save disappointment
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Liaison Group is a trusted partner to the NHS, specialising in recovering cash for reinvestment and freeing up time and resource to deliver more care.


Driving this vision is our mission to deliver direct savings and efficiencies, freeing up vital resources to be channelled to where they are needed the most – whether that be recruiting more frontline staff, improving retention of existing staff, funding additional equipment, or helping to free up beds.


Our employees have a shared passion – to help create the best NHS for themselves and their loved ones. That’s why we’re so proud that our three business areas have delivered over £1.3bn of savings so far to be put back into health and social care communities across the UK.


Find out more at LiaisonGroup.com

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