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A trust’s subsidiary company has been gathering evidence to take legal action against an energy giant, board papers reveal.

A report to the board of Central and North West London Foundation Trust, a community and mental health services provider, said its wholly owned subsidiary QTS’s issue with facilities management contractor Imtech Inviron could become a legal dispute.

In May 2021 Imtech won a four-year, £18m contract with QTS to provide heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, fabric and grounds maintenance services across 60 of their sites.

But QTS’s most recent annual accounts reveal that in October, an adjudicator ordered it to pay Imtech £3.4m after a dispute.

The foundation trust’s January finance and performance committee said: “Further evidence would be gathered to inform a decision as to whether QTS would take Imtech Inviron to court.”

In July last year, Imtech rebranded to Dalkia, which is its owner, along with Dalkia’s sister company, EDF Energy, the energy giant.

Central and North West London would not confirm what the dispute was about, or whether it had proceeded with a claim against Dalkia.

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Source: HSJ

Date: 6 March

Posted in News on Mar 06, 2024

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