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Through the Procurement Act 2023, the government is transforming how public procurement is done in the UK. The changes will help to make better use of public resources to deliver better public services and grow the economy.

One of the objectives of the reforms is to empower public bodies to procure more innovative solutions to meet their needs. Using new and better products and services will help them improve the quality and efficiency of services for the public. Directing more public procurement to innovations and innovative companies will help drive growth locally and nationally.

To enable public sector organisations to embrace innovation more, the new legislation will allow public procurement to be done in more flexible and innovative ways. This guide explains the objectives of the changes and outlines the new flexibilities.

  • Our ambition for procurement of innovation across the public sector.
  • Why the changes are needed.
  • How the changes help contracting authorities.
  • How the changes help suppliers.
  • Innovation-friendly procurement processes.
  • Empowering contracting authorities.

Read full guidance

Date: 15 November

Posted in News on Nov 15, 2023

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