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The Health Care Supply Association (HCSA) is pleased to announce HealthTrust Europe (HTE) as its latest Corporate Partner.

HTE offers solutions to manage spend effectively and improve performance, working with both public and private healthcare providers to optimise the use of products and services to identify cost saving opportunities.

Keith Rowley, Chief Officer, Health Care Supply Association, said: “I am delighted to welcome HealthTrust Europe to the HCSA family. Our Corporate Partner programme is an essential part of the organisation and without it HCSA simply wouldn’t be able to meet our goal of supporting, developing and celebrating NHS procurement and supply chain professionals. HTE is a valuable new addition to the programme and we are excited to have their support going forward.”

Dale Robinson, Chief Operating Officer for HealthTrust Europe, added: “HealthTrust Europe’s core mission is to improve healthcare in the communities we serve through strengthening provider performance and clinical excellence. We partner with healthcare associations and providers to build strong relationships that are founded on shared goals, mutual understanding and trust. HCSA promotes the work of procurement and supply chain staff at all levels in healthcare and, as a Corporate Partner of HCSA, we look forward to working together to drive positive patient outcomes and further enhancing the high-quality of care delivered across the UK.”

If you would like to learn more about the HCSA Corporate Partner programme please email admin@nhsprocurement.org.uk

Date: 27 April

Posted in News on Apr 27, 2023

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