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There is a Healthcare Patient Demographics GSCN (General Specification Change Notification) for Electronic health record patient demographics in GS1 barcodes.

This is a Public Review which you are encouraged to access and comment.

  • These documents are drafts, work in progress and NOT the final GS1 standards. These documents are for review only and are provided "as is”. GS1 does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or use, non-infringement, or title; that the contents of the document are suitable for specific purposes; nor that the implementation of such contents will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. Furthermore, GS1 assumes no liability whatsoever for any inadvertent errors or omissions that may appear in the document. In no event shall GS1 be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the document or the performance or implementation of the contents thereof.

  • If the document is still in public review, please be aware that the standard development process is in progress and intellectual property rights issues could occur any time. The document itself cannot infringe patent rights, but the implementation thereof can. So, if you use the draft of the standard, you will do so at your own risk. You are encouraged to provide feedback, but you should consult with your own attorneys, and form your own conclusions concerning implementability and possible infringement of third party rights. If the document is no longer in public review, then please refer to the final standard if you intend to implement the standard.

  • It is GS1’s policy to make it's standards available on a royalty-free basis to the fullest extent possible. Therefore, if you wish to make a contribution to the standard, you will have to sign a so-called “Non-member Contribution Declaration Form”.

The GSCN_Patient_Demographics_in_a_GS1_barcode_Public_Community_Review.docx Public Review was first posted on 29 November 2023. The public review will run until 26 January 2024. Any comments received will be made available after the group has had a chance to review these.

Comment here

Date: 17 January

Posted in News on Jan 17, 2024

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