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The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps suppliers must take to align with the NHS net zero ambition through to 2030.

The purpose of this guidance is to provide further details on the implementation of the following milestones in the roadmap (‘CRP and Net Zero Commitment Policy’):

  • From April 2023:  for all new contracts above £5 million per annum, the NHS requires suppliers to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan for their UK Scope 1 and 2 emissions and a subset of scope 3 emissions as a minimum (aligning with PPN 06/21).

  • From April 2024: The NHS will proportionately extend the Carbon Reduction Plan requirements to cover all new procurements.

This guidance outlines how this requirement will be applied in an NHS context and is intended to be used in conjunction with central government’s guidance documents on PPN 06/21.

The requirements apply to the commissioning and purchasing of goods, works and services (including pharmaceuticals and healthcare services) by in-scope organisations. In-scope organisations are defined as NHS organisations as well as organisations acting on their behalf.

To ensure the Carbon Reduction Plan requirements are extended in a proportionate and relevant manner to all procurements from April 2024 the policy will be applied in a two-tiered approach. Prior to April 2024, CRP requirements will continue to be applied in line with the April 2023 milestone of the NHS net zero supplier roadmap and the application set out in this document. Extending the policy in a two-tiered approach ensures the majority of NHS suppliers are advancing along the NHS net zero supplier roadmap and supports suppliers to take early steps to prepare for future roadmap milestones.

Read full guidance

Dare: 1 November

Posted in News on Nov 01, 2023

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