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Procurement Forum 2024

Date: 31st Jan 2024
Location: London

We’re excited to announce the return of the popular HFMA Hub Procurement Forum  on 31 January 2024, which is being jointly run between HFMA and HCSA next year.. 

The overarching objective of the forum is to enhance collaboration between finance and procurement by bringing together leaders within both disciplines and enabling discussion between both groups. In particular, the subjects we will cover during the day include:

·       ICS procurement models

·       ensuring quality and value

·       procurement legislation

·       best practice case studies.

The opening  keynote address will be provided by NHSE Chief Commercial Officer Jacqui Rock and the event is free to HCSA members as well as HFMA Hub partner organisations. 

Location is 110 Rochester Row, London. BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE!

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