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NHS Supply Chain has released the following statement following the publishing of the PAC Report on ‘NHS Supply Chain and efficiencies in procurement’.

"We are committed to realising the full potential of NHS Supply Chain to deliver greater savings and efficiencies alongside a broader value proposition focussing on supply chain resilience, product safety, enabling access to innovation, social value, sustainability, and ethical considerations.

We have redesigned NHS Supply Chain’s operating model and embarked on a major modernisation programme to upgrade key infrastructure and IT systems. We need to further improve and integrate our platforms to provide a more consistent experience for colleagues across the NHS and suppliers. As the NAO report highlighted our funding is managed on a year-by-year business cycle in line with NHS England’s business planning process.

We are continuing to work together with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England, NHS trusts, suppliers, and other system partners across the country to improve procurement in the NHS. This will be achieved through ongoing collaboration, partnership working and innovation.

Over the last year we have been strengthening our engagement with our NHS partners to improve our understanding of their needs through our quarterly national and regional advisory forums, various panels and working groups. We are continuing to develop these engagement forums to ensure that they bring the voice of NHS colleagues and patients into the heart of our organisation. These engagement forums support our goals to make substantial improvements in satisfaction with our services by ensuring our business plans focus on those matters that will make the greatest difference to the NHS.

NHS Supply Chain is clear that we can deliver over £1 billion of value by 2030. This can only be achieved by working in collaboration with all groups within the NHS, national bodies, industry associations, suppliers and NHS England. We have worked with NHS England and national representatives of the NHS trusts to develop a new standard saving methodology for the entire NHS and it’s expected that this method will be ready for all parties to use to calculate savings from April 2024. Our programme is aligned to this approach and reporting method.""

Date: 27 March

Posted in News on Mar 27, 2024

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