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The Department of Health and Social Care is looking for a new chief commercial officer to deliver its efficiency and savings targets, as well as a variety of procurement and commercial activities.

The successful candidate will manage “total commercial spend, including grants, for the DHSC and health and social care system”. They will be responsible for “assurance and challenge to the New Hospital Programme portfolio”.

They will also be responsible for increasing the “uptake of strategic supplier relationship management” at the department and wider health services to bring greater transparency and simplicity to the relationship between the government bodies and key strategic suppliers.

SSRM aims to ensure the relationship between supplier and buyer is mutually beneficial, and collaborative and ultimately enables the DHSC to “leverage greater efficiencies”.

The new CCO will lead on delivering “big ambitions for digital transformation”, according to a preamble in the job specification from Shona Dunn, the second permanent secretary at DHSC.

She wrote: “We have ambitious targets too for savings, including from deeper and more coordinated management of common suppliers, categories and market sectors.”

Source: HSJ

Date: 14 December

Posted in News on Dec 14, 2023

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