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This NPPS sets out strategic priorities for public procurement and how contracting authorities can support their delivery, and will come into effect on 28 October 2024.

The National Procurement Policy Statement sets out the strategic priorities for public procurement and how contracting authorities can support their delivery.

The statement will come into effect on 28 October 2024 alongside introduction of the new Procurement Act 2023. It will remain in place until it is withdrawn, amended or replaced, and can be reviewed when the Minister for the Cabinet Office considers it appropriate to do so.

All contracting authorities must have regard to this statement as mandated by section 13 of the Procurement Act. It applies to contracting authorities defined in section 2 with the exception of the authorities and procurements set out at section 13(10) as follows:

  • Private utilities
  • Contracts awarded under a framework or dynamic market
  • Procurements under devolved Welsh or transferred Northern Irish procurement arrangements
  • Devolved Welsh authorities or transferred Northern Irish authorities

Read full statement

Date: 13 May

Posted in News on May 13, 2024

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