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HCSA LONDON & SOUTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in May 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
HCSA MIDLANDS REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in June 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
2024 HCSA NORTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in July 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
Women's Network Conference Holiday Inn Regents Park 4th September 2024, Opening July 2024
HCSA Annual Conference 13 & 14 November 2024 Telford International Centre ON SALE NOW BOOK EARLY to save disappointment
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The Ethical Recruiters List has been updated as of 20 December 2023.

56 organisations from the ethical recruiters list this month, as they have chosen themselves to come off the list or they have been removed following the outcome of an independent process under the Code of Practice.

See list

Date: 29 January

Posted in News on Jan 29, 2024

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