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HCSA LONDON & SOUTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in May 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
HCSA MIDLANDS REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in June 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
2024 HCSA NORTH REGIONAL EIS EVENT Back in July 2025 Date to be announced later in November 2024
Women's Network Conference Holiday Inn Regents Park 4th September 2024, Opening July 2024
HCSA Annual Conference 13 & 14 November 2024 Telford International Centre ON SALE NOW BOOK EARLY to save disappointment
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Patients are missing out on a collective 1.8million days of health and social care a year – as unsuitable products force nursing and care staff to spend longer than necessary tending to those with incontinence.

New insight indicates the average patient in a hospital or care home setting with the inability to self-manage their condition, will demand 75 minutes of a carer’s time every day, covering up to five changes.

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Date: 19 February

Posted in News on Feb 18, 2024

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