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NHS England has announced the appointment of Andrew Taylor as Chair of the new Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Independent Patient Choice and Procurement Panel.

The Provider Selection Regime came into force on 1 January 2024 and is a new set of rules that relevant authorities must follow when procuring healthcare services.

The new rules provide greater transparency and a flexible, fair, and proportionate process for selecting providers, increasing opportunities for collaboration between commissioners and providers, thereby enabling a more efficient use of resources and reducing unnecessary bureaucracy.

The panel will help ensure that procurement processes for healthcare services are transparent, fair and proportionate.

With a strong interest in how procurement and choice can be used to improve services for patients, Mr Taylor comes with a host of experience. As Director of the NHS Cooperation and Competition Panel (CCP), an independent advisory panel, from 2008 to 2011, he helped establish the panel and oversaw the application of choice and procurement rules to the NHS.

After leaving the CCP, Mr Taylor worked briefly for McKesson Europe, a healthcare technology business, before establishing Aldwych Partners, where he advised several NHS trusts on merger reviews and procurement related matters. Mr Taylor is now winding down his role at Aldwych Partners so that he can become chair of the new PSR panel.

Date: 23 January

Posted in News on Jan 23, 2024

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