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Hannah Godefroy

Procurement Apprentice

NHS Cheshire & Merseyside

What are you most proud of?

I’m proud of managing to sit my exams during COVID and finishing school despite all the uncertainty at the time.

What makes you angry?

People who chew with their mouth open.

What sports team do you support (if any)?

I’m not an avid follower but all my family are Evertonians.

Which famous person would you most like to meet and why?

Taylor Swift, I’ve loved her music since I was little.

What superpower would you most like to have and why?

I’d like to be able to teleport because I’m generally running late!

What historical figure do you most admire and why?

Princess Diana - she subverted the 'British Stiff Upper Lip' and used her time to help those less fortunate than her and break the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS.

What’s your perfect weekend?

Cinema trip, walk on the beach, and a roast dinner.

What’s your favourite meal?

Anything brunchy - shakshouka is my current favourite.

Can you describe yourself in one word?


What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?

I’d like to have travelled to different places around the world, maybe moved out of my parents’ house - who knows?

Date: 12 February

Posted in members on Feb 11, 2024

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