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Khalid Shihadah

National Clinical Engagement & Implementation Manager

NHS Supply Chain

What are you most proud of? I'm really proud of our team, our way of working across the market and the engagement we have with clinicians and non-clinical colleagues across the NHS. We have and continue to delivery real benefits to staff across the NHS whilst upholding the highest levels of quality and responsibility to the service.

What makes you angry?

Decisions taken with the absence of logic makes me quite cross, as does the application of short term fixes for complex problems which, with the right focus, have longer term and proper solutions. Other than that, soundbite politics and actions, or formal stances, in government which do not represent the interests of the population, I find really frustrating.

What sports team do you support (if any)?

I used to be a Blackburn Rovers fan and then slowly lost interest in watching football on the whole, several years ago after I stopped playing. I still enjoy watching a bit of match of the day, but really enjoy big sporting events and competitions on the whole.

Which famous person would you most like to meet and why?

I'd quite like to meet and chat with a few famous people. David Attenborough comes to mind but then faced with one choice, I think meeting Dave Grohl would be good fun!

What superpower would you most like to have and why?

Probably super strength. Outside of work I really enjoy manual graft, and so this would make that even more fun. (Although I'd happily stop this troubling trend of needing to hold a newspaper further from my eyes to see the letters clearly!)

What historical figure do you most admire and why?

I think I take inspiration and admire those in my life more than historical figures. I feel lucky enough to have people in my life, professional and personal, to draw inspiration from. My parents, my wife and her parents are among those I admire the most. My parents were both refugees and my dad in particular lived in absolute poverty following the loss of his father and home at a very young age. Yet he became a doctor and eventually had a long and dedicated career in the NHS, something that like me, he is really passionate about. Always maintaining an attitude of positivity and justice, and of opportunity arising from any situation.

What’s your perfect weekend?

I love socialising at the weekend, but a couple of times a year I really enjoy a decent gathering with close friends and family, great food, music, probably a fire pit as the summer night falls, and just enjoying the chaos and atmosphere.

Just hanging out with my wife and messing around with my three boys is idyllic for most weekends though. Also being outdoors in stunning Cumbria, where we are lucky to live.

What’s your favourite meal?

As someone of Palestinian heritage, the food I was brought up with is best. Middle Eastern food is occasion food! And a meal on an occasion, is never really just one dish.

Dela’ah mehshi is a whole lamb shoulder and quarter, dry marinated and stuffed spiced rice (cinnamon and pepper), mince and garlic, then roasted.

Served for a feast on more rice (which includes juices from the roasted lamb), which has been scattered with fried almonds and sultanas. Then Gaza salad on the side, which is lots of fresh tomatoes and olive oil, mixed with bashed up garlic, chilli, lots of dill and lemon juice.

This would be accompanied by many other wonders and seeing as it’s my favourite meal, there would be a yogurt/cucumber side dish, stuffed veg (baby aubergine/courgettes) or stuffed vine/cabbage leaves, hummus, and various fattayir (bread based pastries with toppings or fillings like spinach & summac, feta cheese with chilli and mint, or Zatar).

It’s going to be a long meal!

Can you describe yourself in one word?

No, I can't.

What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?

I'll have a better idea in 4! ?

Date: 15 November

Posted in members on Nov 15, 2023

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